Saturday, March 7, 2009

...Reading Cosmo "How To Have Good Sex"...

I got caught up in a moment earlier today... a moment of thought... you know how computers collect cookies from the internet? Well I wanna know if cell phone's do that... I mean think about it? We surf the net, & watch V-Cast video's & such on them... I'm just sayin'... maybe that's where some of our cell phone memory goes to...

Does this bother anyone else?

Does it bother anyone else... that the skelaton is... looking at Booth's butt?!?! Oh lordy! even skelatons can't mantain there distance... that means i'm a hopeless case... ={ )

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Catholic Church Makes Some "Changes"


<3 =] Munipulation's By Me! =] <3

ok... so i got some new photo editing programs, and made these pics on it...

Cordelia Chase, R.I.P. my favorite character from Angel...

An icon for on messenger's, of Lilah Morgan... the best Wolfram & Hart Lawyer from Angel.

My graduation photo, re-vamped...

A fabulous Lilah Morgan background...

.... i'll add more with-out caption's in another post ....